When developing a suitable UI design, we are guided by the customer's corporate design and vision, as well as the purpose and target group of the application and the framework conditions of the application, such as the environment in which it is to be used.
Together with our partner in South Africa, EPSza, we develop an elaborate UI design based on a representative screen of the application, which we present to the customer.
At the customer's request, we also create additional design variations from which the customer can choose. In this way, we develop a suitable UI design over several iterations that fits into our customer's product range and is also modern and intuitive to use.
Once the final UI design is available, we use this design to specify the style guide, which contains all the important details that are relevant for the technical implementation. Components that are required for the application but were not necessarily included in the first UI screen are also defined here in order to ensure the most complete reference possible for the implementation.