Atlassian Blog Series

Jira vs Other Project Management Tools

Project Management Tools are a major growth area in ICT. With in-person meetings now a rarity, managing geographically disparate teams has become a vital business capability. Enabling work from home whilst maintaining high standards of collaboration and creative problem-solving can be achieved through technology - but choosing the right software is essential.

At EPS, we are proud to offer Atlassian's Jira project management tool.

So Much to Do

Not Just For Software

Jira was originally developed for software enterprises, to help them manage complex coding and dev projects. It has proved to be such an adaptable project management tool that it is now being by companies across a great many sectors. Jira is playing a vital role in the post-pandemic economy wherever there is an identified need to plan, track and conclude projects.

By 2019, Jira had over 65,000 active corporate users, and many more have been added since. Let's take a look at the reason's behind Jira's exponential growth and its expansion beyond its original sphere of influence.


Plan Your Next Moves Easily

Always A Step Ahead

Unlike some of the more rigid project management tools on the market - some of which are offered free to users - Jira offers an exceptional degree of agility and flexibility. Agile work methodologies were first adopted by software teams, but their advantages in terms of workflow management and results meant that it wasn't long before other departments and then entire companies began to take notice.


Advanced Thinking

Human Software 

Jira is modeled on the way that people typically tackle complex, multi-stage tasks. Jira is modeled on the way that people typically tackle complex, multi-stage tasks. Its intuitive, step-by-step approach ensures that no detail is overlooked - after all, it can be the smallest omissions that ultimately result in time or budget overruns.

Built With The User In Mind

User Friendly 

Jira's user interface features centralized dashboards and offers an intuitive UX, displaying complex information in ways that are instantly understood. These insights into project progress, bottlenecks and upcoming milestones help everyone involved to stay on track, whilst understanding where their tasks fit in the bigger picture.

Jira offers a very high degree of customization - it can be adapted to meet the needs of different companies, rather than the 'one size fits all' approach adopted by some rival project management tools, which necessitate having to shoehorn functions and processes into software that doesn't deliver a best-fit solution.

Made With Efficiency In Mind

Force Multiplier 

Jira integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian software products, enhancing its contribution to project success. It can also be used in conjunction with literally thousands of apps that let you customize your Jira experience and outcomes.

Move Faster With Jira

Enhanced Agility 

Like other project management tools, Jira enables project planning, tracking and reporting. While it’s true that other products are available, only Jira has agility hardwired into its DNA. When it’s time to increase the pace of a project to a sprint, Jira can accommodate contemporary workflow best practice with ease.

The True Meaning Of Teamwork

Reduce Silo Mentality

By migrating multiple business functions onto the Jira platform, enterprises can reduce the time that cross-function processes take, and gain insights into company-wide workflows. Being able to track projects horizontally as well as vertically makes the Jira offering even more useful, and is a significant value-add that speaks to the flexibility and power of Jira.

Our Offering To You

The Clear Choice

Not all project management tools were created equal; Jira continues to evolve to offer an unbeatable combination of innovative, intuition and insights. No matter how far-flung your project team members may be, with Jira, successful outcomes are closer than ever.

Read more about Jira

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