Bike and hiking days in the beautiful Schanfigg 15-16 September 2023
As the saying goes: When angels travel!
Once again we experienced two wonderful biking and hiking days in Schanfigg. On Friday we drove to Arosa in two minibuses. The hiking group walked via Alp Medergen to the romantic Bergsterne Hotel Heimeli in Sapün and on to Langwies. The high-altitude trail impresses with a lot of variety and wonderful views.
The bikers covered 40 km at an altitude of 1,300 metres in the same time. Their route led them, among other things, over the spectacular "Tritt" to the Strelapass, and not entirely without danger. The hikers and bikers met again for lunch at the Alpenrose Medergen and dessert at Heimeli. The exchange was always exciting and entertaining.

Later in the afternoon we arrived at Haus Strela Langwies and checked into our rooms. We were treated to an excellent dinner at the Edelweiss Inn. We ended the first day with good conversations, cards and being together until late in the night.
The next day the hike led under the Langwies viaduct to the other side of the valley to Molinis, where lunch was reserved in the Postbeizli. The bikers returned a little late from their tour of the Weisshorn and the Ochsenalp, as they had to improvise to fix a breakdown in their equipment. Thank goodness that even in the smallest villages in Schanfigg there are helpful people with well-equipped workshops.
Finally, we made the ascent to Tschiertschen, while the bikers climbed to the Churer Joch. In Chur and Tschiertschen we were loaded up again by the minibuses and drove home. Happy and tired, just as it should be after two such wonderful sporty days. Many thanks to the two organisers Reto Meier and Jörg Eugster.