Coding and software development have their own unique challenges but also have commonalities with other types of multi-stakeholder project. Therefore the same "golden rules" can be said to apply.
These include having specific objectives - often, the overall objective will be supplied by the client, but within this, project milestones must be determined and adhered to. In everything you do as a project manager, you should ensure that your goals are 'SMART'.
Record-keeping is also vital - in this way, learnings for future projects can be captured, and backmarkers established in the event that a roadblock is unreached and there is a need to rewind the project to a previous iteration.
Achieving consensus will also make your life as a project manager easier - when your entire team is in agreement, the road ahead will be a lot smoother.
While project management could be described as applied optimism, if the goals you set are realistic, you can transform the common causes of project management stress into powerful motivational factors: variables, having to make your own path, and working within parameters set by others.