Atlassian Blog Series

Software Testing

Perfect software does not exist without testing. Developing perfect software takes time. Additionally, it takes the right knowledge of software testing to ensure that software works for any situation. Read this blog to learn more about software testing.

Testing is a rigorous process

It requires repetition

Every time a user engages with a piece of software, they are effectively testing it. However, receiving complaints from end users is not how you want to learn that you have glitches in your code – your customers should never be made to feel like your unpaid quality assurance (QA) officers. While testing is sometimes said to be a never-ending process, at EPS we firmly believe that testing is critical component of development and should be completed before the product is released.

Testing has its benefits

With few drawbacks

The headline advantages of testing are obvious enough to make it a necessary step, and yet remarkably, not all software developers seem to appreciate this. Either that, or they do not do it thoroughly enough. Software testing ultimately results in a better quality, more cost-effective outcome, which in turn leads directly to happier customers, enhanced reputation and repeat business. It’s a clear example of a win-win situation where everyone benefits.

Software Testing isn't a once off affair

It follows logical steps

It’s also important to remember that software testing is not a once-off event. Rather, it should be built into every stage of dev, from conceptualisation onward. Repeated testing narrows the net through which errors can slip – and the earlier the bugs are caught, the easier (and cheaper) it is to fix them.

At EPS, we take a complete lifecycle approach to testing. Just like our approach to development, we plan and design our testing regimes, before executing them and providing detailed reports.

Staying safe is part of the process

Cover your bases

Data security is a huge issue for both corporations and consumers. High-profile breaches and concerns over information sharing have made people much more security conscious. Testing is a vital plank in the process of building customer trust and confidence. In addition, recent data protection legislation (such as POPI and GDPR) have introduced potentially very serious financial consequences for security lapses.

Clients are therefore asking many more questions than they may have done in the past – and testing is absolutely the best way to reassure them.

Are you maintaining a high standard?

Never compromise on quality

Software is ubiquitous these days, and there are many ‘me too’ Apps and programmes on the market. That means that dissatisfied customers can soon find another option – and they may never return. The old adage about it being easier to retain customers than recruit them still very much holds true in the digital age.

Rome wasn't built in a day

Testing gets better over time

The complexity of modern software and Apps makes assumptions about quality particularly dangerous. Even the most skilled, agile dev team can make mistakes – and these can survive (or be magnified by) multiple iterations.

Rather than seeing QA as a hindrance, developers need to see testers as collaborators in a shared endeavour. Mistakes that are found in the early stages of development can typically be fixed without adding significantly to the overall project timeframe.

Equally, testing can replicate the user experience – before it goes live. By the time that ‘real users’ (that is, paying customers) start using the software, you will have gained excellent insights into how your software will function in real-world scenarios and how it interacts with other products and devices.

Are you ready for the world?

Is the world ready for you?

Software testing also establishes the parameters of software performance – this information can then be used to inform marketing messages and promises to customers. A planned, rigorous testing regime is your best guarantee of being able to deliver on those promises and delight your customers. Extensive testing can also shorten your lead time to market, giving you first mover advantage in what could soon become a crowded field.

How does EPS fit in?

We are pros at testing

To learn more about testing services from EPS, including the specialist tools we use and our integrated approach to saving you time and money, visit

EPS Software Testing

We have years of experience, a formalised approach and the need for high standards when it comes to testing. Get in touch with one of our consultants today to see what EPS can do for you.
Start Software Testing