Atlassian Blog Series

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things - or IoT for short. What is IoT? How does IoT work? What are the applications of IoT? What are the benefits of IoT? What industries stand to gain more from IoT solutions?

The Internet of Things is Coming…

Sooner than you think

The Internet of Things – or IoT for short – is a commonly used phrase in tech circles, and is beginning to make inroads into the public consciousness, too. In essence, it involves connecting many more devices to the internet, giving them the ability to communicate with each other.

In the phrase ‘IoT’, ‘things’ refers to any appliance or device that is able to transmit or receive information digitally. This would involve a significant expansion of the current situation. The majority of online devices are specifically designed for communication, such as laptops and smartphones.

How does IoT work?

It's actually very simple

For the Internet of Things to be effective, multiple technologies have to be synchronized. These include sensors that gather information and machine learning to make sense of the raw data. There also needs to be connectivity functionality.

'Smartness' is no longer the exclusive preserve of phones and computers; the addition of sensors and the ability to interpret and act on the information they gather is making many more devices 'smart'. The IoT is projected to deliver a great many benefits; however, it is also likely to lead to an exponential increase in the volumes of data being generated and transmitted.

Applications of IoT

Eventually in everything

Consumers are becoming more familiar with the concept of the 'smart home' which features security systems (for example) connected to the internet. This allows for remote monitoring. It also enables homeowners to control the home environment (lights, heating etc.) from any location.

Future residential applications could include fridges that can compile and send grocery orders to e-commerce sites, and washing machines that are able to assess and apply clothing care recommendations scanned from smart materials.

Smarter, healthier, safer and faster

Better for everyone

There is enormous potential for internet-enabled devices in the healthcare and vulnerable person care spaces, with sensors able to convey vital signs information to remote medics who can then deliver information or interventions as required.

Travel and supply chain networks could also benefit from IoT innovations. As one example, IoT traffic signals could communicate with vehicles to improve traffic flows and reduce congestion.

Advantages and challenges of IoT

It's not yet perfect

The Internet of Things has the potential to relieve people of many day-to-day decisions, making their lives more convenient. In industrial applications, remote sensors can replace the need for humans to visit hard-to-reach or hazardous locations.

Like all the best technological innovations, IoT offers potential time and money savings. Automation of routine or mundane tasks will free human operators to focus on tasks where devices cannot yet complete, such as strategic thinking and customer service. In a domestic context, it should mean more free time for people thanks to shorter 'to-do' lists.

The susceptibility of connected devices to being hacked must be set against these potential benefits. This could have serious security and safety implications. There are also potential data security and privacy issues at stake. The mass roll-out of IoT technology will make the internet vastly more complex. The main reason for this is because there is no universal standard in force. Network capacity will have to be greatly increased to avoid contention and slower connections.

Recent events such as the hacking of the Colonial Pipeline in the USA have demonstrated that criminals can exploit weaknesses in IoT systems to cause disruption and economic losses on a large and widespread scale.

As with all connectivity technologies, there is a trade-off to be made between savings of all kinds, and the risk of system disruption, malfunction or criminal abuse, all of which could lead to the exact opposite of the intended benefits.

EPS – helping you connect your world

Get in Touch

As a software development enterprise, EPS has experience and expertise in developing software. We can facilitate the connections and data analytics that enable IoT. We can help you reap the benefits of this expanding technology whilst minimising the risks. To learn more, visit

Internet of Things